this game is almost perfect if it wasnt for how jank the snake/rock climbing minigame feel. still rocks as an adult

gay people and unboxing stuff name a better duo

booba except im bad at this game

double dates are a fun concept except the baggage is so fucking annoying to deal with and not in a fun puzzle type of way

this game was fun af to play in the dentist office's lobby

this makes me remember to text my mom so i have to rate it highly. unfortunately sexaginta-quattuordle (64ordle) outsold

narrative lacked for me, though i didnt have that much of an issue with the character writing or anything. all the puzzle gimmicks were insanely cool and never really got too difficult for me to handle like some puzzles. really excellent puzzle experience, only gets knocked a bit for the fact that the story is so prevalent and it didnt do much for me, as i said before.

the mechanics might just be stolen from fnaf 1, but it feels more complete than fnaf 1 does as a standalone game which i think might be controversial. shame about jonochrome though

this game makes me want to bash my head into a wall from the writing of its story alone. i could look past the poor release solely because of the hype i had from a fnaf installment with arguably one of the best environments. this game is gorgeous, ray tracing or not. unfortunately, a bright and stylish mall isn't the most terrifying location which really hurts the "horror" aspect of this game. the characters are okay, albeit a little underdeveloped (but also theyre literally animatronics so i guess its fine?), but the travesty lies in vanessa. without going into too many spoilers, the way they utilized this character (or didnt...) is a shame considering her exposition in the vr game. the endings all suck, by the way. fuck this game's writing ong im getting upset thinking about it too hard

its a bad rpg if you have any standards or experience with the genre but i love this game wholeheartedly, and i did even before the objectively better v2.0 scott released.

so much fun with friends. easily comparable to lethal company, and while I think lethal made a bigger impression on me during the first time we played, this has the potential to be way more replayable and fun with friends.

the idea of going around random haunted areas and just trying to film is golden, especially because... well, you're probably playing with friends who you think are funny as is? i love lethal, but it very much encourages splitting up and doing things alone which is scary but not as fun as this, which pushes you into staying together and goofing around with the monsters.

i love that the camera actually picks up on what you film, and getting to crowd around a little couch and watch all your videos with comments pouring in that actually REACT to what you guys experienced is genuinely hilarious. the limited filming space just means that you capture the most random things and really have to pace yourself, which makes all the cuts so golden. adding to that, the physics in this game are so bouncy and ragdoll-y that every video ends up shaky and goofy as fuck. just so fun.

we did encounter a decent amount of bugs, namely a lot of audio issues and one friend who, despite reinstalling, couldn't see the video in game, but given it's been out for a single day, i'm willing to look past it. with more monsters, area variation, and a little more polish, this could really be a staple that my friends and i come back to.

this game is ... interesting. i liked it, i think, but ironically it hinders itself in the core gameplay loop before you can enjoy its strengths. it is so unbearably tedious to get every achievement/ending, and the overall story is a very surface level take on the modern influencer and the edgy/reality of the internet. a lot of the dialogue and encounters are incredibly well-written and relatable. the game definitely does its best to reflect the streaming scene as a whole, but it takes too long for me to want to stay invested. i did 100% it, and i do like ame/p-chan/kangel, but i don't know if i could really recommend this game. you are better off watching the endings' cutscenes on youtube, but even then you lose the charm of witnessing the spiral of ame-chan under your control.

Not 4 me but like. Its GMOD. its historic. i cant rate it low or the sniper garry placed outside my house will shoot me