Would be a cute, short game but was very laggy/glitchy and had wonky controls unfortunately. (From what I can remember, played this a year ago.)

I've been playing this off and on for a few years and never got to the end until now. The game's mildly fun and pretty challenging but I do wish there was a bit more going on, I agree with others that it feels like something is missing and it starts feeling repetitive after a bit. I'm glad I finally beat it but the ending was pretty lackluster, which I get was the point, but still.

its alright for what it's supposed to be, getting all the achievements is waay too much of a grind though if you wanna do it without cheating or using your money to buy plants, my cozy plant growing suffering ended 3 years later :')) its not rlly that bad because it's just taking 30 secs every few days to water them but still lol

i love the funky squiggly rabbit
unfortunately couldn't play much since i played via an emulator on the vita so i can't put in my own cd or anything