Really loved the story and characters and their voice acting was great. Bosses are cool and combat is fun but once you've figured out a move rotation you like there's not much to really make you wanna change your strategy. I don't really mind this, but could maybe make it kinda boring if you wanted to replay for achievements or whatever.
This isn't necessarily a con but it also doesn't really feel like a Final Fantasy game besides from having the Eikons and Chocobos, I didn't mind this but if you wanted a very FF feeling game you might be kinda meh on this.
I personally really enjoyed the sidequests too even if they weren't really 'much' (they were mostly just talking to a few NPCs or fighting a few enemies) just because they built on the world or added more story to some characters and I thought they were interesting.

I thought it was great! Pretty spooky, just wish the last boss fight was better lol. And I wish that a character had more screen time before being given a choice involving them because that just felt odd when you had only seen them for 5 minutes before the choice.

A really cute game! Was pretty fun even though it was short! Took me around 12 mins to beat.

Started playing this game in 2012 and I still come back to it a few times a year! It's just the perfect game to binge for a couple days/weeks once in a while. I love being able to build basically anything and can customize the game however I want with skins, texture packs and mods.

Thought it was pretty fun, just wish it were longer and had more story.