This game's story is attractive, reviving with Adrenaline shots is a clever idea to implement respawn feature, shooting sometime feels very realistic sometime shit. There is no shoting feel, you shot into sandbags but fun time while I was in game. AI is shit.

Unexpected from Ubisoft. I hope they won't turn this into pay2win and release it on Steam as well.

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Legend of PSP, best storytelling in PSP so far. Great game. Must try. It gets boring when you chase Kratos' daugther but its fine.

At first time looks like a standart port of COD 1 or 2, but Developers did a great job. This is not a standart PS2 port of COD. You can chose paths and play custom. Great work but its difficult. Developers made difficult this game so you can spend more hours and checkpoints are far beyond compared titles released in 2004. Give a try, you will like it.

I don't know why people complaning about this game. Game is short and that time is enough. I completed game 100% and never bored but combat system is trash. I guess its worse than even first game. Waiting for DLCs which in constantinople.

Controls needed to be optimized for a touchscreen.