I first got A Hat In Time in 2021 as a Christmas gift. But it wasn't until now that I finally decided to finish it. I tried many times to play it, but it never truly clicked with me until now. However, I can say that my time with the game is one I do not regret. A Hat In Time is the definition of a silly game. It's a fun platformer with a light story and fun mechanics. It was very short, but it was a joy to play. And there was never a time when I found myself frustrated with the game.

The gameplay is pure fun. I liked the hat mechanics and the smooth movement. The camera was a bit frustrating, however. But it never got to a point where I was infuriated with the game. The art style is also incredible, and the music is great, too. The characters were also a standout, as they were incredibly charming, and I was surprised that they had voice acting.

Overall, I do not regret playing A Hat In Time. I am sure I will continue to play this game again from time to time to get all the time pieces I missed.

Reviewed on Jan 08, 2024
