This might be the first or second video game I ever played. It was the one that started my love for the sonic franchise.

If you got it on Wii U, there is no reason why you should get it now. But its decent, you get pretty much what you expect when getting this game.

Game mechanics and platforming is fun and addicting. My grandma enjoys watching the colors, Fury is engaging with great music and environments. I 100%'ed this game for the second time last week.

Regarded as the best RaC game from the original trilogy because it introduced strafing. It's pretty good.

Cooper plays this game... I have not. It looks boring to watch and play. Most of the time, I don't even understand what is going on and coop refuses to tell me.

If I'm being completely honest... I don't think he knows what's going on either.

Needs more sports, needs more golf courses. Online multiplayer is a good addition and I thoroughly enjoy its implementation to the game.

I enjoy this version of golf more than wii sports resort. The joycons are much more responsive than the wiimote.

The prequel focuses on Ellie’s backstory. I spectated my sister’s playthrough because I’ve already played it. Even though she vaguely knew how it was going end, Druckman et al. still managed to write an amazingly compelling story that manages to stretch the player’s expectations of the very universe they created.