I'm leaving this one as "shelved" as I was unable to finish it because of mental health reasons (I plan on picking it back up eventually)- but this has to be the best visual novel I've played, although I have a lot of issues with it.

I played up to the end of Zakuro's route- but what I played shows very different perspectives through the same times. It's clear Takuji has gone through a lot of abuse in his time, showing him to have invasive thoughts on others and a general disdain for life and others in general. I think it's very interesting to get in his head. Yuki has a very opposite perspective- there's probably more on that once I pick it back up, I don't have much to say as of right now.
Zakuro's route is straight up depressing. She's nothing but a kind and sweet and innocent girl, and it's so sad to see what happens to her. One of the most relatable girls to me in fiction.
I have an issue with the amount of abuse shown in this game. It's too much to deal with and had me feeling physically sick at times, even if I do understand it as a plot device, wish they didn't show me directly.
This game also deals with so many mental health problems. I just think it's too much for someone who is already in a bad mindset playing it. I do think it's good- but I don't know if I can reccomend it to anyone because of these factors.

Hopefully I can pick it up again soon.

Reviewed on Aug 05, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

It's understandable, I hope you'll take it up again soon, I assure you that you've already gone through the worst part.