Dad n' Me 2005

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 14, 2023

Platforms Played


you spend the entire game beating up children, holy based

there's no way something like this would be able to come out today people are just too sensitive nowadays, a game where children associated with stereotypes get beaten to a bloody pulp is too much for the modern zoomer. me on the other hand....I just think it's funny

the animations are all really great, it's kinda hard to believe they came from a Flash game in 2005, I guess that's the power of Dan Paladin. the main theme composed by Dustball is very goofy and upbeat and is elevated even greater for the fact that you are once again, beating up children. most of them aren't even trying to hurt you, they're just minding their own business before this buff purple kid gets dropped off and starts tearing them down one-by-one like a wrecking ball. in one section of the game you can even throw a child into a street and watch them get run over by a car, absolutely hilarious. the game has sort of a combo system where you can perform different attacks with the arrow keys and weak and strong buttons, there's not too much of them but there's this one dashing aerial punch that's really powerful and eats away everyone's health, so if start struggling later on then that's all you'll really need.

the game's only around ten minutes long but man what an entertaining ten minutes those are. if you got some free time on your hands and need to let out some steam, then this game will be here to help uplift your spirits.

Tom Fulp I kneel....maybe I will play Castle Crashers