very high energy low budget title. there isn't much unique content, the enemy encounters are just whatever spaghetti, but the game feel really elevates my enjoyment of this game. it feels really good to just spam 20 fireballs enemies (or other players lol) can't retaliate against, or jump installing a ground dash through the prolonged hitstop of a dash normal to circumvent the games lack of prejump frames. speaking of which, although that specific technique while very difficult and essentially frame perfect, it only exists because of the only thing i do find annoying about this game; it's massive buffer window, on top of negative edge lasting like around 15 frames. this leads to you all the time accidentally performing the same move twice in a row, randomly jumping/dashing, etc. but i'm willing to take that trade off for sweatlord jump cancels.

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2023
