This is definitely one of the most unique games I've ever played, a first person hack n slash that's like.. 3 - 4 hours long with 20 different endings and it was sick. Controls were the biggest gripe I had with the game since I feel like there should've been a quick turn command similar to a resident evil/silent hill game. There were also some spots where i lost my footing for a second. But other than that this game was just a smooth vibey ride from start to finish, memorable enemies and all of them have different patterns. A boatload of characters to take control of with different abilities and weapons, good level design with a bunch of exploration, and the music is so damn good, has this bad acid trip club rave sound that is very intoxicating. Very good listen. The last quarter of the game gets a little BS with the amount of strong enemies there are surrounding you, yet I still had a great time killing things, I don't think others will like this game as much as I do and I don't care. Good ass game that I'll replay for the other endings due to it's short length.

Reviewed on May 07, 2023
