mentally on the fence of deciding if this game is overrated or a masterpiece because while it does so many things I absolutely love it also has a lot of really annoying aspects.

i think the game encourages savescumming way too much, theres so much rng involved in battles especially when you want to capture specific generals. also think the game rushes you due to plot reasons and is really opposed to letting you achieve 天下統一 despite it being SENGOKU RANCE. also dungeon battles are BORING. good god.

despite the annoying points i think this style of game is incredible and was absolutely addicted to this game. looking forward to playing the dai series.

Reviewed on Jun 14, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

Replayed the game 1 and a half times, first was ran route second was just to conquer the houses I hadn't done yet. some random thoughts
- Speeding up the combat animations made the game 2x more fun. Wish I had known I could do that earlier.
- Combat is pretty cheesable when you understand the tricks.
- The game's open-endedness is really annoying when you realize that canonically X happened yet the game gives you basically 0 indication of what that was besides a few of the main characters. Also I think its literally impossible to recreate a "canon" run because the game just absolutely loves the idea of making half the map one house past a certain point.
- Orochi boss fight is needlesly difficult for just a few lines of dialogue after you defeat it.
- The "pre" versions of songs are so fucking awesome. Probably my favorite thing in this game. Wish more games had stuff like that.
But man this game is just so fun. Kind of curious to think about what it could have been had it been a standard turn based RPG. It's a fantastic game and def in my top 10. But it has some problems as a Rance game that make me more critical of it.