Finished the game after a week and a half of play. Cookie Cutter is a pretty solid metroidvania which I had to dock points from because it's a little glitchy - I had multiple instances of the game erasing my latest save file so after I'd busted my ass to unlock something I'd have to do it again, had a glitch where the enemies went invisible for a while, had another where the game screen went all pink and I had to restart. Thankfully, there are a lot of save spots around the map, so even if you lose stuff, you probably won't lose too much.

This is a tough game and somewhat inelegant. It's all dick and fart jokes, but that wasn't the issue for me. The real problem I had was that it wasn't always generous with hit boxes - I'd have to perform acrobatics to unlock a treasure or item and have to do it many, MANY times - but not because I wasn't hitting the right buttons so much as the buttons didn't always respond fast enough. I thought some of the puzzles were slightly tough for how imperfect the response was.

But otherwise, it was a very fun, very fast paced game. I liked the character of Cherry. She also has Regina, her talking robot vagina. Like any metroidvania, you go around the map, unlock power ups, and then loop back to unlock more areas and find more power ups. The bad guy looks like a dead ringer for Marilyn Manson, which made it a bit fun to kick his ass at the end.

The game ends on a sequel hook which left me really excited. I would love to see this game with slight gameplay improvements.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2023
