• the story is very interesting and is paced well
• the worlds are absolutely gorgeous
• the main characters are a delightful cast of characters each with that felt fleshed out
• the music was also very nice
• a shit ton of jank

• the combat can be very frustrating, especially on harder difficulties where enemies will barely give you a chance to breathe
• the levels are absolutely massive, which was honestly impressive, but there was no fast travel between checkpoints so backtracking to try and collect all chests or secrets was a nightmare
• there were a significant amount of glitches/bugs that occured, the most notable ones affecting audio. to name one, the cutscene that played upon entering Kashyyyk for the first time somehow had it's audio delayed by a whole 10-15 seconds from the visuals, which was very jarring. (this is on the PS5 version, I'm unsure if PC/Xbox have the same issues)
• the levels also had a significant amount of holes that you could see out into the void with. you could even move the photo mode camera through these holes to boundary break. it felt like the levels were not polished.
• a shit ton of jank

the pros heavily outweigh the cons as some of them are just me nitpicking. in the end, I fairly enjoyed this game and I'm hopeful that the sequel will fix the mistakes that this title had.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2022
