this game is the first gravity rush on steroids. I loved almost everything about it.

the world is gorgeous and bustling full of life. the music is absolutely astounding, especially in the last chapter of the story. the recurring characters alongside new characters really hit home for me as I personally love to see old faces. the side missions, while extremely gimmicky and a bit janky, felt enjoyable for the most part but helped to build the world and it's characters while not burdening the main story. speaking of the main story, it was cohesive, well-paced, and went on to answer a lot of questions that the first game never answers. the free Raven DLC was also very intresting as it gave much needed backstory to Raven and gave some explanation to what happened after the first Gravity Rush. the U.I. is very clean and stylish and it felt like the game had it's own unique style compared to the first title. the Lunar and Jupiter styles were very fun and added some spice to the combat although I do wish they had different specials as they were essentially just the same specials from the first Gravity Rush.

while I'd go on and on about the postives of this game, that doesn't exempt this game from it's negatives.

to start, the camera and controls are exactly the same as the first title which is, suffice to say, a hot janky mess. certain boss fights felt more like I was fighting the camera rather than the actual enemy I was supposed to be facing, which was frustrating. also, while it may sound hypocritical after I just sang it's praises, the story struggles to specify how much time has passed in between chapters. in the early episodes, it was a bit difficult to get a grasp on a distinct timeline of the events of the story as it progressed since it wouldn't say.

I recommend the first game to anyone who wants to experience a game with an interesting concept and I definitely recommend this game as it fully realizes that concept that the first game tried to achieve. also, make sure to watch the 20 minute Gravity Rush animation before playing this game as it really helps bridge the gap between the first and second game.

Reviewed on Jul 15, 2022
