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In terms of a VR game, this is about as boring as it gets. For some it is still pretty exciting, while I’m sure for VR veterans it is less so. For me, since I have played and still play Gorn and am playing Beat Saber, this game is easily the worst of the three. It is by no means terrible, it is just the most boring of the 3. But to be fair the two games it is up against are what most should regard 2 of the best VR games of all time, and I would say most would call Beat Saber the best rhythm game of all time. It is also easily the least replayable of the 3 as it is the same thing over and over again, with only 4 jobs to pick from and a couple of settings to mess around with, whereas Gorn has 9 levels. as well as a custom and endless mode, with tons of settings and options. And even without buying any songs, Beat Saber still has quite a lot with many different difficulties and modes to play them in. However, this games environment do offer quite a few items to mess around with between customers, especially the Store Clerk and Gourmet Chef, which I would say are easily the two best jobs. Office Worker and Auto Mechanic are still pretty fun, but their spaces feel a lot more confined with activities and are a lot less replayable, especially Auto Mechanic. I don’t know. I just feel, and know, that VR has a lot more to offer then the limited capabilities this game possesses.