obviously this game isn't perfect, especially from a storytelling standpoint, but it's still very fun and full of quality scares. honestly one of the rpgmaker classics that i would recommend playing the remake over the original, because the QOL improvements, redesigned puzzles, and extra story modes make the game a more enjoyable experience. and though this is my second time playing the remake and the new sprites still haven't grown on me, i don't think they are as bad as other og fans will tell you.

my biggest gripe with this remake is that, despite the QOL improvements generally being a plus, the game feels significantly easier now- especially the final chase scene- which somewhat softens the intensity. but i don't think that detracts from the overall enjoyment of the game, especially if it is your first time playing. i also wish that the puzzles had been changed a bit in blood mode! i liked that there were updated scares, but the puzzles remaining the same make it a bit of a slog to go through certain areas.

i think bathtub mermaid by mili may have inspired at least portions of this game, alongside the obvious nods to greek mythology. "twist my legs to one, mine to none."
was fun :)

i remember i put off playing this game for so long because i knew i would become obsessed and it would interfere with my studies. now look where we are (100% completion, three separate playthroughs, multiple analytic thinkpieces in notion, consuming my every waking thought). fucking french people... man....

played bc the MC looks like me and immediately discovered that another character has (part of) my legal name 😭

another review said it best: the story felt shallow- like it was made to be yet another cannibalism=love tiktok yaoibait media, but lacking any kind of substance or interesting exploration on either the trope or the relationship b/w the characters. and the gameplay wasn't enjoyable (nor functional) enough to make up for that. there were a handful of fun creepy details that i quite liked (the dream sequences were amazing and the rat...) + the music was definitely a highlight, but i just can't say i felt anything but underwhelmed after getting all of the endings.

i would play a remake that expands upon the story more, because there is the beginning of a fully baked (hehe) game there.

it was fun for the first ten minutes!

a replay in honor of kindergarten 3's trailer!

i forgot how tedious the gameplay is, but the absurdity of the characters and the branching dialogue still makes going through the routes enjoyable :)