Played this game once with 3 friends one night. Don't think I'm going back to it.

I've decided to forego any rating. I don't think it's fair to rate a game I haven't sunk a considerable amount of time into.

Let's just say, I spent 18 hours with Atomic Heart and I knew I didn't like it 2 hours in. Atomic Heart was nothing if not playable, I just didn't like it very much.

Redfall is, by contrast, hardly playable at all. I am running a 3080 Ti with an i9-10900 and 32GB of RAM. I played at 1440p, at low settings, with DLSS Ultra Performance on, and I could not even maintain a consistent 30fps.

It's hard to look past poor optimization. I could handle games not maintaining a solid 60fps 100% of the time but not even being able to hit 30fps on low with DLSS at max, and oftentimes dipping into single digit slideshow numbers, was really, REALLY off-putting.

Even so, from what little I experienced, Redfall's enemies are not only painfully easy and boring to fight (even on the hardest difficulty!) but the world itself feels empty. My friends and I spent a good chunk of our 2h30m playtime walking from one end of the open world to the other, and found very few enemies during our journey.

Doesn't even feel like a Beta. This feels like an early Alpha build of a game that isn't even close to being finished. And I loved Prey 2017! I don't mean for this to be unwarranted vitriol, reception to this game has been less-than-favorable across the board. It's more confusing and disappointing than anything.

I hope this game will be updated and receive the care it deserves, but I wouldn't be surprised if Arkane and the intended audience for this game collectively decide to brush it underneath the rug and move on.

Reviewed on May 13, 2023
