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Super fun new combat system, banger music that gets you going, graphics are stylized and look simply amazing, and story... wait, I don't speak Japanese...

I accidentally sold almost all of my level up items on accident thinking I was buying more! I really don't speak Japanese, dammit!!!

Overall, loved the game though! It was refreshing to see them finally take on a new direction with the combat system. Plus, I love min-maxing orbments in the Trails series, so I was happy to see that they brought that! Ship control was janky at first, but I got used to it and the upgrades make things much better.

The ratio of gameplay to story is much better than the previous entry as well. It feels like there's a ton of side content to do, from quests, to optional islands, to the awesome raids, it really is a full-on adventure!

But in the end, neither my score or my review is final, as I couldn't fully grasp the story, nor had the patience to use DeepL enough to understand each piece of equipment. Even though I beat it 100% on Inferno difficulty, I will do it again when the localized version comes and give my final veredict!

(Also, this is my 300th backloggd game. Yay :D)