311 Reviews liked by lingspaceship

I only played the e-Reader stages, so this review only concerns those:
Super fun, super creative and probably the biggest Mario crossover we ever got in a 2D-game, especially this early on. I just think some stages are too big and too maze-like when you go for all coins. But I enjoyed the skill-only stages a lot, especially the last 3!

At its core, the main game of Super Mario Advance 4 is just Super Mario Bros. 3 again, by way of Super Mario All-Stars. And it's good! But I have an opening here to talk about World-e, and I'm going to.

When I got this game as a kid, it came with an e-Reader card for an additional level. Since I, like most people, didn't own an e-Reader, I looked at this card over and over wondering about this level, but never being able to play it. Well, nowadays, via Virtual Console and NSO, Advance 4 has been re-released with all of the e-Reader levels made accessible, of which there are 38. So now that I can finally satisfy my childhood curiosity, what are these levels like?

The e-Reader levels are full of new gameplay elements - primarily, gameplay elements from the other Mario Advance games that have been spliced into the SMB3 gameplay. There are a few completely original elements, but a lot of things are repurposed from Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario World, and Yoshi's Island - enemies, objects, and even powerups like the Cape. It's fun to see the games' elements mixed-and-matched like this, although this ends up being mostly a novelty thing.

The actual level design of the e-Reader levels is... fine? It's kind of hard to compare, because these are levels with new-to-SMB3 elements grafted onto a re-re-release, years and years after the fact. The levels aren't must-play new content, but they are decent Mario levels. Honestly, when you factor in the mixed-and-matched game elements, they kind of feel like romhack or Mario Maker levels, in a sense. Not amazing ones, but still good ones.

With a solid base game in SMB3 and the most new content of the Mario Advance quartet, I'd say Advance 4 is the most worth playing of the four. I think the e-Reader levels make for a fascinating little time capsule of Nintendo experimenting with new 2D Mario level designs at a time between the '90s and the New Super Mario Bros. era.

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i got the cloud star on my first save file during my first playthrough and then forgot to get the missable world 3 house star so i had to start over and now i gotta sit on that fucking cloud for another hour and a half again

fuck my stupid puzzler life
other than that great game, i've been submitting bugs i've come across on the steam forums and basedgod jon blow has been fixing them

Still Braid. Still 5 stars. Anyone who hasn't played the original Braid can now buy this shiny new version.
The 7th worlds AKA the commentary world actually contains a substantial number of fun interesting puzzles, even if you don't care about game dev commentary. If you were a big fan of the original Braid, I think it is worth picking up just for that.

New week was really impressive I hope they make more stuff. I suck at it tho so I have to play easy but don't bully me.

2024 Update

I really am happy with how this game's progressing and it's looking to be a really great rhythm game with tons of charm

Already 100% the new update and ready for the game whenever it comes out eventually lol

why the fuck is he holding a condom on the cover what the actual shit

Lumba is a classic tale of the absolute desperation of humanity.
Locked deep within this treacherous bullet hell is a story of betrayal and misery.

On the surface killing an entire office of your co-workers sounds like a blast.
But the voices that persuade you to commit these joyous acts that bring you ultimate happiness don't have your best interests in mind.
Proceed with caution as the moving tale of Lumba erodes away at your fragile humanity.

Boss fights set you in perilous encounters of which that last boss took me over half it's runtime to beat, not because it's difficult but because my sense of self had been stripped away by the deep philosophical nature of the story.
How could I bring myself to destroy the one part of myself that kept me going, the part that brought me so much joy in the previous hour of gameplay.
I've been loaded up on so much lumba when I wrote this review that even these words as I'm typing them look like they need shot in the head.
and as the "Post review" button stares at me disappointed in multiple of my life choices, I feel the need to just click it

GETTIN' FREAKY ON A... wednesday night
YOOOOOOOOOOO WEEK 8 SLAPS! Man, I forgot how fun this game is! A few of the weeks have uh... subpar charting, but the games presentation and tunes kick ass. Plus it's pretty easy by rhythm game standards which means it's actually possible with my skills.

ok so this review is just for the WeekEnd 1 update that dropped like an hour before i wrote this review

holy shit that was awesome.
first of all WeekEnd 1 (Darnell's Week) is a massive upgrade from what we saw earlier. Better cutscenes, better music, better everything. Basically an improved version of Week 7.
Darnell as a song is pretty good, Lit Up is alright, 2Hot is insanely cool and Blazin' is a cool but welcome surprise.

Onto the rest of the content, the erect remixes. The sound team did a fantastic job with all of these, every song is a massive improvement from the originals. Standouts in particular are High, Senpai, Roses, Thorns, Spookeez and Blammed.

Everything else about the game has been updated as well, making it feel more like a complete and finished experience. (Hopefully) Closer to what the full ass game will be like.

Terrible. By far the worst classic Mega Man game and a strong contender for the worst game in any Mega Man series. The design choices in this game are profoundly stupid. All of them. The removal of charge and slide, the outrageously slow menus with the same texts being repeated endlessly, the overuse of spikes and jumps that require perfection, among other things.

When it comes to retro games, it's true that they're often associated with high difficulty, but also with well-crafted level design and overall good progression. This game lacks an interesting one. Instead it is repetitive, and excessively frustrating level design. It also amplifies the worst flaws of these retro games like terrible navigation menus. In some cases, it goes beyond that, EXACERBATING these issues. Mega Man 2, for example, was nowhere near as clunky as 9 is.

I'd probably give it an even worse score, but visually, the game has a charm and a few stages are decent. It's a game from 1986 stuck in 2008. But not from a competent developer like Capcom, but rather on the level of bad stuff like LJN games.

Overhyped but underrated tbh. This was advertised as a solid platformer that people thought would be the next coming of Jesus, but ended up just being a solid platformer.

So obviously everyone was pissed at it when it launched.

Top 50 Favorites: #40

Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

Never understood why this is a hot take, but imo this is absolutely as good as any Banjo Kazooie game. It has its quirks but let's be honest, so do the originals. If there's any complaint, it's that your characters oddly feel too small in comparison to the levels - which makes some of the traversing feel a bit barren. It also does the "power ups that are only used in one or two specific circumstances ever" thing, but other than that I thought this totally passed the class. Unique character designs, nostalgic music, definable levels (unlike its sequel), a worthwhile challenge, fun collectables (except that one bullshit quill in the first level), and that classic sardonic humor commonly associated with the Rare platformer. Enemies are a little mid though. But by and large this is without a doubt a worthy successor to the 90s N64 collectathon genre. No clue where the hate is coming from; I get that a lot of people just absorbed their favorite YouTuber's opinion of this back in the day as their own without even giving it a fair shake, as is the case with a lot of these - but this is pretty much exactly what could have been hoped for out of this project. I found this to be a colorful, inspired, and overall lovely experience. Sorely underrated even by its supporters.

A masterclass in crafting a fangame. Building your own NES-style Mega Man level from the ground up is simple & rewarding thanks to an easy-to-understand interface. The editor is robust with features, including the "NES-ification" of content from MM games that weren't even originally on NES. And it's all for free. The devs went above & beyond here & this game absolutely deserves recognition.