The ultimate plastic instrument experience. While the game doesn't have the best base setlist (that title belongs to Rock Band 2), it has the most to it, with harmonies, pro instruments and keyboard being added. On top of that the plethora of exports from old games and 1000s of DLC (not to mention 20k+ custom songs out there) make this the quintessential music video game for anyone who wants to try and fail to play Everlong on drums in front of all their friends.

The absolute pinnacle of linear 3D platforming. Controls are tight and feel good to execute, levels are interesting and challenging. 100%ing it feels extremely rewarding with the various difficult gem challenges and there's very very few gimmick levels that the sequels run rampant with. Only real knock against it is the weak boss battles but the focus of this game is the tight platforming and clever level design which it executes flawlessly. Truly a pure game for gamers.