28 reviews liked by lmekec

Played through this with mates for like 70% of its runtime I guess, and I cant lie. It was fun, a lot of fun. But then sitting in a room with a stick and a piece of plastic might be fun with friends.
The game is not much by itself to me, the backrooms concept does not really inspire fear for me and few jumpscares aside, I did not find the game super engaging beyond the excellent sound design.
The missions are quite obtuse but I guess that was intentional.
This is the quintessential meh game you play one time and have fun with, but never go back to. I do not know how much of the one day of fun was because it was a day spent shooting the sheit with mates and how much was the actual game. But I have to credit it as a very servicable concept and bugless gameplay. I also have to truly respect a game that managed to bring old friends back together for a fun long holiday afternoon.
Give it a try if you are a fan of backrooms horror and/or have a day to be spent with mates playing games.



Wasn’t expecting this game to actually make me a bit teary eyed?? Ended up really enjoying the story/message this game had in the end.



Достаточно короткая игра и простая игра не говорит о том, что она будет плохой.

Venba - это игра, открывающая перед нами историю одной индийской семьи, в которой появляется ребёнок который стесняется своей национальности и корней, а годы идут, родители стареют, а чадо взрослеет, начиная всё больше отдаляться.(это можно сказать завязка, а что дальше узнаете сами).

Также игра предлагает нам вжиться в роль Гордона Рамзи, ибо каждую главу мы готовим какое-либо национальное блюдо Индии. Тут тоже сделано всё прикольно, и даже присутствуют некоторые головоломки.

В заключение небольшой рецухи для небольшой игры, хочется отметить красивую и необычную графику, приятную музыку, и поучительную (главное не грустную и не весёлую) историю, показывающую нам, как важно помнить о своих корнях, своих родителях, и помнить, что всё в нашем мире не бесконечно!



Impressive that a great story was made for a 2 hour game. Pretty good amount of emotions were had playing the game as well. Loved the cooking aspect, food looked delicious. Great little game. Tell your parents you love them.



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A very short but touching story about immigrants. I related to much of this, despite my story being slightly different. I really liked the recipe integration, but I felt like it was a little too short. I would have loved it to be twice the length if I'm honest. The big jump in the tail end was pretty abrupt, and it made the ending feel a little underbaked.



how're we holding up my fellow asian diaspora kids because i started crying halfway through and haven't stopped

I want to give this game a better score, I really do. I could easily spend a long time playing this for the character customization alone, plus with the dock its always been a lifelong dream of mine to play pokemon on a tv and its just awesome. But besides some cool locations and a couple really good songs (Hau's battle theme) theres just a lot missing with this and how long its taking me to beat despite being a big pokemon fan is proof enough of it. It doesn't feel like a step up in any way and it lacks a lot of the charm from the previous ones. 3D pokemon leaves a lot of opportunity for some really cool shit and it sucks that its potential is being wasted on this pretty bland and boring story

I didn't hate this as much as everyone else did! And even I don't know why! It's an objectively mediocre game but it's the Pokemon game I find myself returning to the most - I'm on my third playthrough. I literally don't know why. God help me.

The people who hate the game over not having 900+ Pokemon genuinely make me want to give this game a higher score.

Name one game that looks better. YOU CAN’T! One of the best looking games of all time with great commentary on deforestation through its tree models. Subtle social commentary on Brexit due to its culling of the National Dex. One of humanity’s best achievements. Intelligent allegorical discussion of corrupt Reddit moderation is provided through Team Yell as well. An amazing ludonarrative that draws parallels and uses allegory and metaphor to represent our real world with its Pokemon.