I thought it'd be impossible to improve on God of War (2018) but boy was I wrong.

The story, while more sprawling, is every bit as engaging as ever. The writing and dialogue is just as good and even better than in the first games at times. This game has some of the best writing and storytelling you will see in video games, period. Also, the performances from the actors are still top-notch.

All of the new characters they introduce are interesting and multi-faceted, and returning characters are fleshed out even more and all have extremely compelling character arcs. The character arcs in this game are insane. I was talking about this game's story and characters for weeks after I finished the game.

The combat hasn't dramatically changed from the first game but that's not a bad thing at all. They make great improvements to it and add enough new stuff to make it even more enjoyable than the last game.

The boss battles in this game are insane and the enemy variety issue I had with the last game is not at all present here. The enemy variety is top-notch and every boss fight feels fresh.

The worldbuilding is still incredible and the lore is so interesting. Definitely my favorite adaptation of Norse mythology.

The environments are even more beautiful than the first game (something I didn't think would be possible), the graphics and art design are absolutely breathtaking. It makes exploring all the realms so much fun.

Honestly, this game is perfect to me. Santa Monica Studio ON TOP.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2024
