Why does Onimusha 2's opening song slap so hard? Seriously if you haven't heard the beginning of this games song, it is a full energetic ride, and delight. Why do I mention this tho? Well, because I honestly don't remember much of my time with this game. I remember enjoying Onimusha well enough, and 2 gives us more options and areas to explore, heck the whole game swapped over from a zombie horror like game to a hack'n'slash puzzler, but the game just isn't as remember able as I wish it was.
The game mostly gets rid of it's horror elements for a more horror aesthetic to add onto it's hack and slash that the previous game had going for it. This time around you go fighting various demons and zombies as they are invading ancient japan, and you get cool element attacks and weapons. Like the action in this game is a welcome change, but I do find it rather funny it went from Resident Evil Like to Devil May Cry like not only rather fast, but also nearly following the same history of Devil May Cry. While I don't remember much of this game, the fact that it had a friend system in place and provided extra replay value by switching scenarios around pending on which bud you decided to chum along with.
Despite everything, Onimusha 2 was the step in the right direction for the franchise, and certainly something I feel helps make the series unique to them as well. While I do think this game can get very blurry when it comes to other Capcom games, the fact that it still maintains an identity through it's sameness makes me happy to hear anyone played this game.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2021
