Eiyuden Chronicle Rising is basically an effort to make a world like Suikoden again, and as someone that loved the Suikoden games, I am really excited for everything to come. Chronicle Rising helps set up important lore, introduces fantastic characters, and gives you the experience of building a town up from scratch the same way that Suikoden did, but on a smaller scale.

While the game absolutely takes cues from Suikoden's gameplay loop, the majority of the time you will be doing fetch quests, and comboing your enemies to death. Honestly the gameplay itself is so vastly different from the usual Suikoden combat that it honestly feels refreshing to see, and gives the game it's own personality away from Suikoden itself. Honestly to call this game anything, but a metroidvania would be a lie. The game is constantly asking you to explore it, and use new techniques to get you further thru it's maps. The way the game asks you to mix up combos against your enemies even takes the likes of Indivisible mechanics and makes them faster and more appealing to a wider audience.

Sadly the major problem with Eiyuden Chronicle Rising is simply the way it keeps pulling you back into the town to fulfill requests or stop your progress purely for story reasons. Often times I found myself getting really involved with exploring, only to be asked to move back to the town before I wanted to go further. The game does it's best to mitigate backtracking with instant teleportation and plenty of checkpoints tho. Still this doesn't help the game having a flawed mess of sidequests that you have to go back and forth on in order to increase your arsenal just so you can move further into the dungeon. While I certainly wouldn't say getting materials is hard to do; it does get bothersome when you have to do it for the 100th time just to move along a sidequest that really should be apart of the main quest.

Overall though, Eiyuden Chronicle Rising is not a long enough game that would make you tired out from it's gameplay loop of fulfilling requests, building your town, and exploring the dungeons till near the end. And at that point it's more of a matter of how to optimize your trips rather than any actual danger presented to you nor does it really keep you for long enough that beating the game "doesn't feel worth it". If you are looking for a wonderfully ambitious game that sets up a lot of wonderful threads to an already growing series, I'd highly suggestion picking this game up. It's not that long, combat is excellent, achievements are easy to get, and the game looks pretty as heck.

Reviewed on Jun 11, 2022
