Addictive little roguelike deckbuilder based around manipulating the symbols that appear on a slot machine. Add symbols that increase the income of your other symbols, add symbols that destroy other symbols for big one-time payouts, and prune away symbols that bring down your average payout. Once you play enough to recognize all the different symbols and items, it’s easy enough to just start picking good ones at a glance and more or less play on autopilot, juggling a few different potential builds until either one of them starts taking off or the whole thing stalls out and the rent payments catch up to you. I didn’t mind the mindlessness of it though, it makes for a really chill zone-out-or-listen-to-a-podcast sort of game.

I do find the slot machine theming kinda funny though, because unlike a real slot machine, the machine payouts are relatively consistent; even if you are reliant on specific arrangements/combinations, they tend to simply require having a couple specific symbols show up in adjacent spots, which you can count on happening every few spins unless you’ve really bloated your machine with too much junk. Instead, it’s the selection of new symbols and items between spins where most of the run-deciding RNG resides.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2023
