you are a DWARF. that means you forge yourself a damn AXE and build AS MUCH CRIT AS YOU CAN. if you aren't killing bosses in one hit you are simply playing this game WRONG

somehow manages to be both timelessly fun and engaging but also a magnet for some of the worst experiences you can have on an online game. you will encounter a bot or an insanely annoying guy or both in every game you play on valve official servers that claim to have everything under control with VAC banning every time you load in. also runs like complete dookie on anything more modern than the computers they shot up into space during the moon landing. just stick to the orange box version on xbox where everything was pure. everything was clean.

this game is basically an adaptation of an old-school fantasy choose your own adventure novel, and it embodies every aspect of that, so that means great art (click on the pages to de-color them for the full retro experience) some BS difficulty and a solid fantasy adventure story. if you are psycho like me then this is a good time, WARNING though there is no dwarven playable character which is a very disappointing setback to this game. you can be an orc though

this game rocks and is basically the ideal for what a videogame should aspire to be. any possible issues you might run into playing it vanilla (like resolution problems or cruddy UI) can be fixed w/ the HoMM3 HD patch. you have no excuse. play this damn thing

this is the true mecha experience, the hidden VOTOMS game adaptation that you need to have solid steel nuts like Chirico Cuvie to master. you play as a totally nameless soldier piloting a cruddy grunt mech that only gets outclassed as the story progresses, but it just means you can flex even harder on those gundam-piloting teenagers with your pile bunker and fighting spirit. this game is old-school tough as nails, awesome and has a sick story twist towards the end. too many games about mecha suck but this one will put some damn HAIR ON YOUR CHEST