4 reviews liked by luneb0y

Spike Spiegel becomes John Wick in this game

Umineko is unlike anything else you will ever read. It is hard to recommend due to its length, often poor pacing, and number of content warnings (read: it contains every cw known to mankind), and yet it is my favourite VN of all time.

My advice for anybody on the fence about reading Umineko:

1) Read Umineko
2) Go into Umineko as unspoiled as physically possible
3) Engage with the mysteries it presents you and you will be rewarded far more than reading it passively
4) Without love, it cannot be seen

My first review with a disclaimer: I helped fund this!

I love SWERY games. Like Deadly Premonition before it, The Good Life feels like it was made by aliens who have never met a human before, with naught but duct tape and a bit of optimism holding it together. While the game feels like it's about to collapse under its own weight at any given moment and I'd hardly call it fun per se, its relentless charm and brazen weirdness kept me going til the end. A mess, but a lovely mess - just like Naomi herself!

without the fan patch, it cannot be heard

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