Obsidian made the best open world RPG I've ever played with the same engine Bethesda used to make Fallout 3, somehow.
Fantastic world design that rewards (and sometimes punishes!) exploration, in-game choices are impactful and actually make sense within the game's universe rather than feeling like tacked-on window dressing, which was often the case with many games of this era.
The bit where you can finally talk to Caesar in detail about his ideology and motivations is some all-time great video game dialogue. Figuring out that he'd built his entire ideology around a hilariously surface-level understanding of Hegelian dialectics is one of those bits of video game world building that really stands the test of time.
Brilliant writing and cohesive, deeply-fleshed out world building. Puts all of the Bethesda Fallout titles to shame.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2024
