can't say whether this game is good or not but ultimately that doesn't matter imo. it's unpolished in a way that feels very sincere and charming. i first played this in 2013 when i was 11 years old and going through the worst period of my life and this wormed itself into my brain. i cried at the ending, and i still feel an intense melancholy when thinking about it. "in time you will be fine."

not a perfect game by any means - the open world is visually boring, the cyberspace levels are all recycled from the previous games and feel uninspired, i was annoyed by the game's tendency to automatically lock onto the nearest object which often caused me to accidentally homing attack onto a spring and end up somewhere i did not want to go, and the segments where the plane changes from 3d to 2d are...rough. but this was a LOT of fun - the platforming feels satisfying and rewarding, the open world is perfect for accommodating sonic's speed, and the combat is varied. i could play this for hours.