Short but very solid DLC and addition to Final Fantasy XVI. Lore really gets expanded a lot,
it’s constant action with very few slow bits. Clive and Joshua both have very good moments and if you remember Clives conclusion then the moment in Echoes of the Fallen is a great buildup to that. The boss fight was also pretty good for what it symbolises, it gives a lot to think about on different paths Clive could have taken and gives more depth to what ultima is and what humanities relationship with him is as well. In addition to all this the DLC is absolutely stunning both musically and visually. The tracks were on par with and maybe even better than the base game and I would go as far as saying that the visuals could be on par as well. The bosses were also very cool and the final boss especially was in my opinion the hardest boss in the game and the most pleasing visually. Overall I’d highly recommend to any FFXVI players!

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2024
