The longest game I've ever played, something close to 200 hours by the end, and I enjoyed all of it, maybe it took me a while to get into it but when it does, the story is so gripping, these characters became a part of my life, it's an amazing journey that just keeps building and building toward a truly amazing ending... or well, at least my ending was amazing, but they should all be, because they're your ending. The internet might have you believe there are right choices and wrong choices, things that'll lead you to miss out on this or that, but the game itself will never do that. Whatever you do in this game, it never ever feels "wrong", like the game didn't want you to do it. The game is always willing to make your choices feel meaningful and justified, there's a respect between the storytellers and the players, and what results from that is magical because the storytellers are damn good at their job.

I could nitpick about it but the little issues are essentially irrelevant in the context of everything else here. Was unsure about the rating but I can't give it lower, for everything this game has been for the past few months of my life. 10/10, deserved GotY, hopefully I can beat some shorter games now and/or get my life back

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024
