i never thought i would be playing an undertale fangame in 2024, but here we are. i think with a fangame, the best way i can assess it is to compare it to its source material, undertale (a game which i gave 5/5 btw), so this review will mostly do that.

they absolutely did a great job nailing the aesthetic and tone of the original game, and i really enjoyed it overall. lots of characters were quite charming and enjoyable, though i think there was more charm on average in the characters in the original game. the music is great when it's remixes (because undertale music is pretty great) and the music remains great when it moves into more original territory.

i went for a "neutral" route on this first playthrough killing some and saving others. early game was fun, early-mid was good, mid was great, but then getting into mid-late/late game, the game stumbles a lot. there stops being charming characters (or any characters at times) to interact with to keep the fun going, and you end up just kinda walking around an only mildly interesting area before the finale.

fights: they're,,, okay?
i love the concepts of a lot of these boss battles, and theres some pretty cool gimmicks to some of them. however, there are a lot of attacks that just kinda feel completely undodgable. granted, i wasn't ever really at threat of dying, because the damage being dealt by the unavoidable attacks was suuuper minor. it still just doesn't really feel good to have undodgable attacks, though.

the final boss for this was so fucking cool tho like holy shit. i thought that the final bosses in undertale were cool and good but they took the concept of one of those and escalated it to an insane degree.

i will most probably go for another route in the future, but likely after i play something else in between to keep it fresh and untainted by "redoing" a lot of stuff.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
