i think this game has let me live out the fantasy of going fast as shit better than any 2D sonic game has. it's not automatic, like 2D sonic's fastest segments, but instead still requires precision and finesse without level design that feels anti-speed for casual playstyles. it feels very tight and satisfying to go fast, and the game's whole design feels more speed-integral than most games i have played. the nature of every level essentially having an escape sequence is so fucking fun, and even if you don't end up actually pressed for time, the existence of pizza time as a whole is so purely enjoyable and exciting paired with the intensity of a billion enemies spawning just to be demolished by a hyperspeed pizza man as one of the most bumping songs ever plays.

i don't think i've ever been so enthralled by the art style of a game before. it's not a normal thing for me to stop in the hub area of a game and just look at the idle animation of the player character. every single entity and object in this game has so much personality and life in it, that it's almost nauseating how much attention to detail there is on even the most minor visual elements of the game. the fucking stupid rat "brick" is the best character design in anything in the world, and i will fight everyone to the death on this fact.

level variety is sick, with a fuckton of different unique concepts conceptually and gameplay wise with varying powerups that can drastically change the way the game plays. some levels were definitely better than others (i'm looking at you, golf, fuck you, golf), but overall, the selection here is super great and has some really neat design elements across the board. i'm glad there's a more tight and robust roster of levels that feel more singular and fully realized as opposed to sticking to a theme for an entire world and having multiple variations of the same concept.

i'm glad i finally got around to finishing all of the levels casually, and i will definitely want to go back for whatever maximum percent is in this game. the free 'noise' update just released recently, and i am extremely excited to play that soon.

Reviewed on Mar 25, 2024

1 Comment

ok ok u gotta play sonic rush tho