Just finished my Very Hard/Master playthrough, and what can I say that hasn't been said a million times before? This game is peak F-Zero, and easily one of the best racing games I've played.

Super satisfying gameplay, a stellar soundtrack, and probably some of the best and funniest characterization of the F-Zero cast to date thanks to SEGA's mega-cheesy writing. It's very easy to see why Nintendo has had such a hard time coming up with a way to follow this one up properly.

Side note: People talk about how hard this game is, and it is challenging on higher difficulties, but I feel like some who haven't played the game might get the impression that the standard difficulties are insanely difficult. Which really isn't the case and I feel it's a disservice to anyone who might want to get into this game to imply otherwise.
Normal does indeed mean normal in this gameeee

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2023
