Attention. This is a pre-recorded message.

If you are reading this, it means that 2016's Game of the Year Overwatch servers closed down worldwide, for the best. The once fabled TF2 killer closing down when said game only received one major update.

The world shall experience peace like never before, for approximately 26:59:55 hours, until the launch of Overwatch 2.

Be happy. Prosper.

After dropping the game with 309 hours spent, seeing it get worse and worse, now banned user Maradona whose crimes were picking off-meta picks in casual matches still retains somewhat good memories despite it all.

Such as:

- 6 v 6 Winston only.
- Release Mccree.
- Lucioball.
- Pre-Nerf Roadhog in Ilinois.

Those shall permanently stay as fond ones.
That be it, hidden behind other extensively more painful ones

Such as:

- Shitty e-sports enforced meta
- Queerbaiting
- Literally everything about lootboxes
- "The Cosby room"

That's all. No end messages or anything. Just a brief passage. Like the game it represents.

Goodbye Overwatch.
Thank you for killing Blizzard's reputation forever.
We needed that.

Reviewed on Oct 03, 2022


1 year ago

The best overwatch moment was back when 1v1's existed and my non-just-bootin-up-a-fighting-game-ass consistently shat on Roadhogs with squishier characters, making my friend mad when I labelled the character as a shit-tier duelist.