Final Fantasy III is mostly a big mechanical improvement from the first two games and has quite a larger, more interesting world. It's also quite good looking for NES, and has a ton of great music.

But the difficulty is a bit overboard. The scenarios which force you to change jobs are tiresome, as they also require you to buy the necessary equipment and spells to get through particular challenges, and ideally grind up the job level a bit too. I don't want to buy a bunch of spells to get through another forced Mini dungeon. And those dungeons with multiplying enemies, fuck. Unless you get perfect RNG and Flee works every time, you basically can't survive unless you go out of your way to buy Dark Knight equipment. Not to mention you get so little inventory space, you'll be heading to a Fat Chocobo to swap out all your extra gear anytime the game forces you to switch jobs yet again. And then that boss rush at the end that requires you to go through three dungeons to reach? Like damn. Also there's a finite amount of phoenix downs and there are no tents, cottages, or ethers whatsoever. I also remember being Confused-stunlocked to death multiple times in one dungeon, and that really blew chunks.

Despite all that, when the game's not getting on my nerves with dumb gimmicks, it can actually be pretty fun. I bet the Pixel Remaster is a pretty good time.

Reviewed on Nov 05, 2023
