I've heard a lot about how mid Dragon Quest 6 is, but I was pleasantly surprised when I actually sat down and played it. I mean it definitely lags behind the best Super Nintendo RPGs, but it's still as well-made and fun (if already a little archaic by '95) as Dragon Quest should be...at least, in the first few hours. The music and graphics are also as good as you'd expect from a later SNES RPG. This has a slightly darker visual aesthetic to it compared to prior games, which I appreciate, and the music subtly sounds slightly more mature in a way as well. Really good use of leitmotif in this one.

Unfortunately the fan translation patch is really old and keeps crashing, and I don't really want to play a remake, so I'll just have to inch away at this one each time I work up the patience to retrace my steps from my previous wasted play-session.

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2024
