I was relatively late to this, playing it in 2020 after finishing Bloodborne and Sekiro previously. Previously I'd been put off by what I thought was a fairly slow and drab world. I knew people raved about the game but wasn't sure if other From Software games had surpassed it.

Thankfully I found myself fall in love with this game. It's probably the least consistent From game I've played. Some areas and bosses are pretty painful and tedious. What sets it apart is the incredible world and level design. Everything connects together so beautifully, particularly before you get fast travel. You're always aware of where you are in relation to the world, in relation to safety, the different places and characters you meet.

It's hard to explain, but the story, the levels, everything just clicks into place. It's got some low points, it's a little rough in parts, but its still an unforgettable experience, well worth getting over some of the humps to experience.

Reviewed on Oct 02, 2022
