X: My first FF game after VIIR, and I loved it. The turn based combat is excellent, I really enjoyed configuring my party and switching them in and out for the right moments. The story is generally pretty interesting, and has some wonderful peaks, as you learn about the journey these characters are on, watch them love each other and learn what they have to sacrifice.

I liked the characters too. I liked Tidus and Yuna's relationship, the history with Auron, Jecht and Braska. It feels like there was missed potential with some of the party though, like Kimari and Lulu, but they're not bad.

The game does drag a bit towards the end, trying to grapple with the endgame sidequests was a needless frustration for me. Fair play if you like it but I found it convoluted and frustrating. And Blitzball was pretty naff. Overall this one sits just behind FF IX and VIIR for me, but not by much.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2022
