A brilliant game to fire up in an idle moment and go on an adventure. Takes a few tries to get to grips with all its systems, but once it clicks, there's an addictive quality to building your ship and handling what's thrown at it.

This game is often at its best when things go wrong. When the enemy is catching up with you, everything's on fire, and you've got two crewmates running around doing the jobs of four. The ability for each journey to be different is part of what makes it special.

I also enjoyed the balance between real time action and the ability to pause and take stock. It allows you to assess increasingly chaotic situations and have time to make decisions. The soundtrack is also excellent. I often listen to it in my own time, as it has a great balance between tunes that evoke the fun and exploration side of a wide open galaxy, and the increasing intensity of battle.

Reviewed on Oct 23, 2022
