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I love this game with my whole heart. I love the details and the graphics and the realism and OH don't forget the gore do not forget the bloodiness of this game. To me its nothing like a R☆ game I've ever played before like compare GTA to this game its nothing like it point blank period!! I'm not finished with it yet I'm just around the 60% mark (as of March 10 '24). I'm so excited to get to play as john when I finish :3. More about the game; I heavily recommend it because it's not one of those multiple control games where you have to find it on your own, during missions I LOVE how it tells you what to do on the bottom and shows where you have to go on the map because sometimes I'm utterly lost and without it I probably wouldn't enjoy the game as much as I thought I would. Another thing I like is the characters, not you colm. I love the personalities and reoccurring characters from rdr1 (since this is a prequel) and its one ofbl the games that truly connect what happened in the first game to the prequel of it that comes out years later without adding bullshit to it. Again, highly recommend this game its one of my favorites I play it for hours whenever I can :3

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This is a sandbox Game! It lacks ending and just goes on forever and ever until you choose to stop playing it. The game itself is adorable and I love it so much, the dogs are cute and it's a nice relaxing 3d game for people who love dogs. Can't handle grief of the loss of an animal? You can turn off dog death, but be warned there's a certain capacity of how many dogs you can have (you can also store dogs and pick which ones you want in the room + save files) but if you have dog death on and want to keep a dog, SAVE THE DOG CORES that way you can set up a tombstone and the dog will come back as a happy doggo friend! (Or you can feed the core to your favorite dog so they live longer) I sadly haven't played this game in years, but I found out about it through my favorite streamer (jerma)
I don't have much else to saycabout this game I. Just really love it and it's super cute and fun and silly and. I love sandbox games :33

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This game made me so sad, unbelievably sad but adorable game. I played it on my knock off android tablet years ago and was devastated when they said it wasn't gonna be in the app store anymore and would be discontinued and unplayable (I played it all the time). The most dreadful thing is when you die, speaking of this I teared up typing it. It's basically a kitten survival game where you have 13 days to live and find food. It's a pixel game, and you meet other cats on the way, playing as an innocent kitten who has to find places to live. A sad but adorable game, 5/5.