I don't quite now how to explain what genre this game is in, but it doesn't really matter; the game play is not the worst part of the game (although it's close).

In combat, you character automatically attacks and the player only inputs special attacks which are on a cool down and limited to a resource gauge. At latter level, you can find equipment or skills that makes this gauge fill moderately faster, but it's not unusual to rapidly exhaust your ability to use these abilities. There are also additional super attacks linked to a separate gauge and a different resource that are basically useless. Leveling any of these abilities rarely improves the special attacks in meaningful ways.

The game features baffling design decisions such as the ability to replay missions, but limited ability to skip the cutscenes associated with the missions. You need to grind the missions in order to level up and earn more resources, but watching the same cut scenes rapidly become boring. Leveling is boring and anti-climatic since you aren't rewarded with new weapons or attacks - new attacks are tied to weapons, but each weapon has specific attacks it can use. You could theoretically get the best weapon in the game and it not have the skill that suits your playstyle.

The base is large, but usually empty and featureless except for very specific occasions when you can recruit new characters which makes it easy to miss these characters unless you run the whole base after each mission which is usually fruitless. There is also no way to automatically run.

Finally, the ending is abrupt, and while there is some foreshadowing about the "twist", the absolutely terribly wooden voice acting (in English) fails to convey any emotion or clarity.

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2023
