One of the best platformers no joke its difficult but still fair and precise havent played the previous entries but this is great without catering to children excessively like newer nintendo titles. a masterpiece in platforming FR !!!!!

So mid compared to the only one i've played (being 3) oatchi ruins it due to how OP he is, he trivialises the game and negates the need for pikmin, strategy, or functioning neurons. Story is just as bad and has no hooks like the other games seem to have. People talking about the easy difficulty are understating it, it is so brainless. Pikmin should be accessible for younger audiences but still provide all ages with fun and nintendo keeps injecting their new titles with overbearing tutorials and needless dialogue and at this point im sick of it. See the newest two pokemon titles and ToTk just absolute slop. Final boss for this game does go hard though along with it's theme.

Amazing game for its time and still continues to hold up to this day. Soundtrack is so bumping and the gameplay is arcade like but addicting. controls are outdated and jumps are very floaty but that doesn't detract from this game.