god this game is so disappointing

I've never played something that is equally as uninspired as it is ambitious. Marvel's Avengers does a lot of interesting things with the core six heroes in terms of writing and character arcs but fails to make the game engaging or good enough to push through to see the story.

Marvel's Avengers is the newest spinoff to Bungie's acclaimed Destiny series, this time introducing new features such as "beat-em-up combat" and "a performance mode that is the only way the game will run acceptably on consoles." Truth be told, I'm not even that far into this game before I've decided to shelve it, I don't even have three of the six Avengers available to play as. However, this slow crawl of weird semi-open world levels with uninspired king of the hill objectives sprinkled in with linear single-player levels and topped with confusing and hard to navigate menus that have too many missions that are essentially the same thing has proven to be too much for me to try and tackle.

It's a shame because I don't think it's a terrible game, it's just lacking a unique hook that makes itself its own kind of thing. I'll probably pick it back up when Spider-Man's added in but I'm not holding my breath.


Reviewed on Oct 23, 2020
