Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 16, 2022

First played

August 15, 2022

Platforms Played


Played this so much as a kid; finally wanted to go back and get a few endings I never did. Started off with full hero line just to get back into it.

Christ I don’t know how I didn’t throw this out the window when I was younger. Levels are awful, objectives are boring and tedious and there’s just a lot of wasted potential. I kinda wish I didn’t replay this cause it ruined my thoughts on the game.

The alignment mechanic is such a great idea and having over 300 ‘endings’ is a neat idea. Some weapons are great, others are ass. Enemy selection is lackluster. Story is okay but Shadow’s arc (no pun intended) is terrible and a snooze fest. Like I said, wasted potential.

I’m not even docking points for the edgelord stuff because it was a bit cringe then, but just feels like satire now; but I think the devs knew that which is why we got Shadow with a gun in the first place.

Maybe I’ll pick this up here and there but I’d have to be pretty bored.

Play this if you like ice levels in games tho, slippery mechanics are forever present.

This honestly makes me worried for replaying SA2 and Sonic Heroes…

Staying on the shelf for a bit but it’s ‘complete’.
