Lots to love all let down by quite stifling and linear mechanics that hold the game together. Overly long - at points almost for the sake of it, generally quite unlikeable characters who feel apart/separate from the world and story in detrimental ways. Generally quite shallow locations throughout the game which undermine exploration.

Still - with that said, thoroughly enjoyed large parts of this - and when realising I was locked into/out of certain story beats or that I'd missed something, I felt something I've not felt since I was younger with a limited access to games - the urge to immediately start a new playthrough to further explore and engage with the game.
Biased somewhat since I do generally prefer games like this.

Would recommend playing if you have 8-9 days worth of spare time you want to burn or you have a better attention span than myself. Didn't do the Beneath The Stolen Lands content too as a consequence of the main games longevity. Would return to it (once my queue is whittled down)

Story pacing a bit wonky but it sticks the landing. Gameplay great, but felt like with the school stories they crammed in quantity of mini games over quality compared to some earlier RGG stuff. Kaito Files is a 5/5 for sure though - the stripped back combat and condensed story of the dlc compared to the, at times, bloated main game was refreshing.

also the graphics and ijincho look lush as hell.