Bought this game and its DLC on a whim after missing a good puzzle game in my life. (Namely, the Professor Layton games lol) And if you really enjoy puzzle games, you should definitely consider picking this one up.

In my opinion, this is a perfectly executed game. It knows exactly what it is, plays well, and the art in it is delightful. I have very little complaints other than just wanting more content. I can imagine how playing it on console might make controls a little bulky - but on PC it was perfect.

The music and sfx were also delightful, making the overall experience very satisfying and stress-free the whole time. I genuinely went to work and day dreamed about playing this game in the evening. It had a lighthearted feeling that I really needed right now.

I think for a very long time I discounted how lovely the sub-genre of "comfort gaming" can be in sake of a big dramatic narrative. And while I still love those games, this title really has left a lasting impression on me with just how calm it all felt.

It probably makes me an old lady at heart to enjoy this game THIS much, but thats alright : ]

Reviewed on Oct 11, 2023
