The precursor to Jack Box! I'm a big trivia fan of trivia games, so, yeah! Good times.

This might be subjective, but it just doesn't work as well as the star wars games. The Lego medium feels unnecessary for Indie. This and Kung Fu Panda were my first 360 games!

This game was never as bad as they all claimed! Also, the collector's edition came with a CD, which was very cool!

Never got to finish this one! It was fun at first, but I remember it becoming incredibly repetitive very quickly.

Surprised to see the disdain for our heroes Mario and Sonic! Come on man, this thing's a classic!

I don't have a good reason why, but this one wasn't as memorable as 2 for me. Perhaps less great jams?

Yeah, Unity isn't that great, but it gets way too much hate. It also looked REALLY good at the time.

I remember playing this. My mom thinks perhaps we rented it from the Redbox and played it at my grandma's house! It must not have been very good as we did not rent it twice.

This is a baseball game.

It ain't no Backyard Baseball...

This is the only SSX game I ever owned and by all accounts it is the worst one!

Yeah, this one's pretty bad. Even with friends.

The first game I got for the PS3. I had played some of the first one and didn't love it, but had hoped they would improve on it. Alas!

This was awful on the PSP, which is what I primarily played it on, but I once played it at a friend's house and had a decent time.

This was when I discovered that the Lego formula did not work for me without someone to play with!

Boxing is awesome. My parents were really good at bowling. Tennis was janky, but I say it is in real life too!