1 review liked by metalgearspenny

So unapologetically experimental and it gives the player more freedom and trust than I've ever seen a game have the confidence to do. The concept here is so bafflingly ambitious that it's a miracle it works at all, much less this well.

Immortality is a non-linear detective game that will always lack complete truths, with every discovery raising more questions than answers. It's a beautifully shot, massive project that is unlike anything else out there. By giving you the unpredictable control that you have, the game controls you as much as you control it, and that makes it so uniquely haunting.

It's not a puzzle with paths and direct connections, but a mosaic that reveals itself piece by piece that's never fully filled in - even in the end it's half formed with an image you can only partially make out.

But that's the point of Immortality - not knowing things is much scarier, and because of that, it sticks with you long after the 'end'.