EDIT May 17th, 2024: This is for the original itch.io release of the game back in January. I've yet to play the full release, and my work week just started. Give me a week or two and I'll update this accordingly.

A super simple concept supported by great aesthetic direction, and gameplay full of depth. It carries the same energy as the many experimental titles you'd see on PS1 and PS2. The dystopian backdrop, accented by its quirky script, had me completely engrossed. The grimy art direction, which manages to feel like a less restrained MGS1, complement this nicely. I also have to mention the soundtrack, mostly relaxing, and a nice compliment to the challenge of completing a meal.

Though despite the challenge, there is something mesmerizing about the gameplay loop. Mastering the flip is difficult, but when you get to the point where you're flawlessly juggling food on a stuffed pan, it is extremely satisfying. There's a method to the madness. Initial food placement is vital to finishing a dish. Also, the sensitivity adjustment, with the scroll wheel, is a great QOL addition (though to be honest, I ramp it up all the way). Food also doesn't cook when your pan isn't moving, which is super helpful when positioning for a flip.

Arctic Eggs is something special. After completing a couple of requests, I was compelled to see this one to the end. I clocked out at about an hour, and I was totally satisfied giving it my time of day. Not too short, but not too long, and I feel like it wraps itself up nicely. There is a more expanded version on its way; maybe hold off for that one, but this is definitely a game worth experiencing.

Reviewed on Jan 23, 2024


21 days ago

why 5/10?

21 days ago

This comment was deleted

21 days ago

five out of ten is a good score, I really don't know what the problem is. the notion that any rating below, say, eight out of ten is a bad score is kind of ridiculous. why even have that many numbers if we're barely going to use any of them? for my rating metrics, four out of ten and below means I didn't like it. and I'm not changing the way I go abt my ratings bc everyone else uses the scale differently.

20 days ago

My guy here said everything about this game is amazing. No bad qualities. Loses 2 and a half stars due to the will of the universe, though

20 days ago

can you change your scale for me and not anyone else. You can change it back in .1 seconds though im not gonna hold you to it forever hand 🫶

20 days ago

You guys should really look at the review date, this was for the free version of the game released on itch a few months ago. I'm sure the full release would get a higher score, but I've yet to play it. You can blame IGDB for not separating both releases. Had no idea why people were freaking out, but it makes sense now.

20 days ago

Also @Zurheide I did have issues with the game, I just avoid whining and moaning on my reviews. I'm getting old and I'd rather avoid being negative when I can.